
Friday 7 October 2011

First attempt...

After researching on youtube and internet on how to work with fondant, I decided to give it a go. On my first attempt I tried to bake a marble cake, my all time favorite. Found the recipe on the internet, gathered all the ingredients and ready to roll.

The marble cake came out beautifully from the oven

after letting it cool I cut the top bit, ready for icing

iced the cake with buttercream icing (wasn't really a success making the buttercream icing)
 first attempt covering cake with fondant, not really a great success without fondant smoother and air bubbles everywhere but quite happy that at least I tried.
Simple decoration with heart shaped cookie cutter from Daiso, 6 sizes heart shape cookie cutters for $2.80 not bad

Decorate with our wedding cake topper hehehe

I can not say my first attempt is a great success with the marble cake too dry and the fondant is not smooth the butter icing is not the right texture. However I think this is the one that started my interest on baking and cake decorating. I will post more of my many attempt to master the art of baking and cake decorating, thanks for stopping by folks.


  1. Wow~ Awesome 1st try Dit! Keep it up~ waiting for the day you'll make my bday cake hehe :)

  2. Thanks redevilica, iya nek kalo udah jago ntar gue bikinin yah and since ga tau gimana cara kirimin nya I'll blow the candle, cut, and eat it for you LOL
