
Sunday 20 November 2011

Dragon Themed Birthday Cake

Hi All,

So after the success with the elephant themed birthday cake we got some friends that's quite keen to utilize our new found hobby. I was contacted by a friend whose organizing a birthday party for her brother. The brief was to create a dragon themed birthday cake, reason being is her borther was born on the year of dragon. She also mentioned the other theme might be kung fu panda, so I gather that she's looking for quite a playful cake despite the fact that her brother is turning 35.
So, I took the job and started doing my research on dragon figurine (thank God for google), I found a cute dragon that looks like it's doable. So here goes, dragon themed birthday cake.

Dragon themed birthday cake

So I did the dragon figurine days in advance and let it set. It was quite fun to make and the shape is not really hard to follow. At the end the dragon turned out quite cute and I love the colors.
Closer look of the dragon, this picture taken days before the figurine placed on the cake

View from the top, love how the orange spikes stand out from the green body

This is my third cake using butter cream icing, I'm still learning to master the art of covering cake with butter cream icing and make it smoother. I think this attempt was quite successful, it took a lot of butter icing and smoothing technique, so happy with the experience and the out put.

The cake covered with butter cream icing, it looks neater and sharper than the original cake underneath.

The cake covered in fondant on top of the fondant covered cake board and balls or pebbles trimming, the different color pebbles was purely accident. I was preparing the pebbles with left over orange fondant from the figurine and turned out the pebbles I did weren't enough for the trimming, so I mixed another orange but as I manually mixed the colour it will be really hard to match the color. So I made the rest of the balls or pebbles in paler shade of orange and it turned out better.

The finish cake with the dragon figurine on top

One thing that I found it hard to design is the 'Happy Birthday' message or plague. The reason being, is the cake board doesn't allow enough of room to have something on top and I'm still not confident that I can pipe 'Happy Birthday' on the vertical side of the cake. The top of the cake is out of question as well because the figurine has taken over the space. So what I decided to do is making a floating 'Happy Birthday' plaque on top of the cake using cake wire. I used the round shape to compliment the freckles on the dragon and the pebbles, and I had bakerzmum did the writing for me with royal icing. It turned out quite good and elevate the height of the cake a little bit.

Another look of the cake

I think the cake turned out quite well so happy with the end result. I really hope that my friend enjoy it with the family, enjoy it as much as we enjoy making it.
Thanks again for checking my blog I will update you with my next project, hopefully sooner than later.


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