
Saturday 7 January 2012

Bakerz Dad's Birthday Cake

Hi Everyone,

It's the time of the year again the time that you cherished when you were kid but not so much when you're getting closer to pass your youth. It's birthday time and yes you guess it right it's my birthday (well, I put it on the title to make it easy for everyone). The time pass so quick, I can still remember vividly my birthday party last year, I celebrated with old friends in a famous noodle parlor in Jakarta. Now it's time to celebrate another year pass and me getting older (and wiser).

And you guess it right I will create my own birthday cake. As it's around Christmas and New Years time my fondant supplier was closed for Christmas break and due to unforeseen orders during Christmas period I only left with Chocolate fondant. So I decided to get the chocolate fondant into a good use, and honestly this is the first time I have worked with chocolate fondant.

What I decided to do is creating a mini-me figurine working on a cake complete with mixer, flour, sugar, butter and egg the main core ingredient of cake. Working with dominant chocolate color is not an easy task as I love vibrant color but with the help of Bakerz Mum we pull out a quite nice color combination on the cake.

A baker's birthday cake

One thing that we want to break is the chocolate color on the top of the cake that will be the floor of Bakerz Dad miniature workshop. Bakerz Mum suggested to ad white tile to make it more interesting and it turned out to be a great idea.

The check board design that will serve as the floor, actually it's not as hard as I though it would creating this check board.

Many of the pictures I saw was actually using the cake as the work bench but it would mean I have to reduced the size of the cake which I prefer not because I will have many guests to feed. So I decided to create four legged table which at the end didn't really work out because I will need something underneath the table to prevent the table top from bending. Therefore I have to create block like holder to help the legs holding the table top, I went to my pantry and found a box of breakfast bar so I cut them stacked them together and covered them with fondant and voila I have the table top holder.

Components of the table, the fondant covered muesli bars table top holder was so ugly at the end Bakerz Mum created a table skirting out of white fondant to cover it and I think it looked really nice

I finished this cake 30 minutes passed midnite and I have to admit it's weird putting the lettering 'Happy Birthday' with your own name underneath hehehehe.

Another close up shot before I went to bed

Overall I was quite please by how the cake turned out even though I think it wold be nicer if I didn't leave it until last minute to decide on the design. 

Another shot in the morning leading up to the party

Detailed view
Detailed view from the top

From the side
The whole cake view from the side

The whole cake view from the other side

This is the first time I've done human figurine, and due to last minute decision on the design I didn't get enough time to research on how to create human figurine. At the end the result is not to bad but I can honestly say I'm not 100% satisfied on how miniature mini-me turned out. I promise will did a research and trial next time to find the right technique for better result.

Thanks everyone for checking my blog, I will keep you update on my next project. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. The figurine looks great BakerzDad :):):)
    Nice red KitchenAid!!!
