
Monday 16 January 2012

Ben10 Cake

Hi Everyone,

At the same time that I had to finish the baby cakes (25 of them) on the previous post I also accepted an order for a 5 year old boy birthday cake. And actually on the same day I had booked a spot on a local Sunday market to do a garage sale. Well it sounds like we try to bit more than we could chew, don't get me wrong the garage sale was booked 3 months in advance and the cake orders came in last minutes.

The baby cakes came in first and we've already committed to the project. When my friend confirm that she wanted to order a birthday cake for her son's birthday party I was quite hesitate first but Bakerz Mum convinced me that we can do it, so I took the challenge. And we made it brushed and battered but we made it hehehehe.

Sorry for the rant, but the whole weekend I was sleep deprived, had a nervous breakdown and at the end I gave up the garage sale and sent Bakerz Mum instead. Bless my BIL who came to the rescue, he went and helped Bakerz Mum with the garage sale.

So without further ado I present you Ben10 cake, I think I enjoyed doing this cake more than the Superheroes cake because it only has one theme and it makes my life easier.

Ben10 cake

Honestly, I never watch Ben10 and have no idea what's the deal with this character. So I went to the internet and turned to Wikipedia and I was lost again because the character has evolved so much it has 2-3 different version of it. So I gave up and turned to google image and typed in ben10 cake and voila I got my inspiration. All I know is with Ben10 you have to incorporate the watch and I think the bubbles is something to do with the watch it's like the bubbles came out when you activate the watch or something, please correct me if I'm wrong.

I made the figurine and Ben10 plaque days in advance, I'm quite happy with how the turned out especially the plaque. And I did the black bubbles in advance as well which I think not a really good idea at the end, because the balls had been harden and really hard to attach to each other. The green bubbles in the other hand was very easy to work with because the fondant still soft and easy to manipulate.

The cake, half done with my laptop at the background showing the cake that inspired me.

This is the second time I've done human figurine, I think I've learned something from the mistake I made with the first one. The Ben10 figurine turned out better even though I think it can be better but at least it's not collapsing like the first one (bakerz dad's figurine).

Close up of the figurine and the plaque

The finish cake still posing in front of my laptop

Details on the bubbles and the star

 Another view of the cake

Ben10 cake in action at the park, it was a hot day and thank God the cake survived the heat

Jonathan, the birthday boy and his first question when he saw the cake was 'Where are the aliens?' What aliens little Jojo? I know nothing about the aliens...sowwyyy....You can see proud mum with big smile behind him.

Cutting the cake Ben10 style

I'm really happy with how the cake turned out given the situation where I have to juggle with my other projects. Thanks for checking out my blog, I will update you with more projects.


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