
Monday 19 March 2012

Koala Cake

Hi All,

A friend order this cake for her brother's visit to Melbourne. Initaly she wanted to order a cake for her Sister in Law's farewell party but they decided to go to Gold Coast as her farewell trip (what a send off). So she asked me to do a cake for her brother.

First idea came into my mind is  to make a tram cake, but it wasn't easy to find a tram template so I pitched the idea of Koala Cake instead and she agreed.

Koala Cake

I jumped to the internet to find inspiration and found a cute koala cake, but the icing was made of buttercream, so I decided to do fondant version. I drew the template following the size of the pan and transferred the design to tracing paper.

 The design

Design transferred as puzzle on tracing paper

Once all the component of the designed successfully transferred to tracing paper I started to cut the puzzles according to the guide. I rolled out the colored fondant and started cutting it based to the guide on tracing paper and start ensemble them together
The koala on progress

The finished Koala

Once the design finished, I let it rest for a few days to set. Bakerz Mum baked me 6' chocolate cake and I coat it with dark chocolate ganache and covered it with fondant. Once the cake is on top of cake board I laid down the design and decorated the bottom of the cake with royal icing.

Almost finished Koala Cake

Green royal icing was pipped around the bottom part of the cake and I added yellow sprinkler in true Aussie spirit.

Details on the bottom

Koala Cake from the side

It was a fun cake to make and I'm happy with the result. Hopping that in the future I get the opportunity to create a cake as fun as this one. Thanks for checking out my blog, over and out.


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