
Friday 28 September 2012

Vintage Rose Anniversary Cake

One day, I got a message from Angela's friend to do a cake for him. If you remember I did wedding cake for Angela and apparently it was a hit as her friend now wants me to do a cake for his anniversary. The brief was quite simple he wanted a rose cake and send me a picture of a cake he wants. The colors are so vibrant and exciting something that I might not pull it out of my brain but all in all it looks lovely.

First thing I did was creating the roses, am so lucky that I got this project so I can keep practicing my sugar flowers technique. I did like 8 roses and I thought that I've made more than enough, boy I was wrong it's just enough no spare flowers.

Roses and leafs resting and seting

The cake was 2 tiers white chocolate mud cake, never done white chocolate mud but thanks to my generous friend Tina who shared her recipe. Naturally I filled white chocolate mud cake with white chocolate ganache and covered with white chocolate ganache before fondant.

Cakes covered in white chocolate ganache

It's been always a mystery to me how other cake artist can achieve sharp edges on their cakes, especially Australian. I've seen dozen of video on Youtube and so many tutorial on how to get the sharp edges but nothing really works for me. So, on day I found a side smoother from Little Venice Cake Company with straight edge and it hit me that this tool might be useful to get straight edges, boy I was wrong. The tool was great but because of the straight edge I teared my fondant, but using this cake give me confident to try the technique with normal smoother and it works.

The secret of sharp edges is using 2 fondant smoothers and sort of like push the fondant from the top and side of the cake together, sort of like pinching them to achieve sharp edge. It's not an easy technique because it takes a lot of courage to pinch the fondant and takes a lot of time because you don't want to rush it or you can end up with teared fondant. All in all, I'm really happy with the result on this cake, I can say this is my first sharp edge cake first of many to come.

Sharp edge cake finally

So the cake was done and stacked together, I've done the pipping work and it was time to place the roses on top of the cake. This is something new to me and I'm not 100% confident in doing this. So I use straw to wrap the stems of the roses as I don't want the flower tape touching the cake directly and I tried the best that I could to arrange the flowers, the result wasn't too bad but I would love to have more leaves.

My flower arrangement

One of the request is putting their names together as this is their anniversary. First I was thinking to just easily slap it on the cake board, simple and easy. But the cake turned out so good so I'm not willing to let it go easy way. To match the theme I did a vintage frame on the bottom tier so their name can go inside the frame and look better.

Names on bottom tier

This project took longer than I thought, such a simple design but the sugar flowers are so labor intensive, but I really enjoyed doing this cake and love how it turned out. Thanks for checking my blog, will update you with my next project.

Another view of the cake


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