
Sunday 18 November 2012

Flowers and Butterflies Cupcakes

Hi All,

It's been a while since I post something and actually I've done this cupcake last week but haven't got a chance to sit down and write new post.

Phew... finally I can bumped the adult only cake off the top position, got a mixed respond on that cake many were laughing and found it hilarious but some are more concern about my morality hehehehe. Anyway, chillax people it's just a cake and cake meant to be enjoyed.

Moving on from the controversial cake, I got my brother's friend contacted me to do cupcakes for her son's 4th birthday. She wanted some girly girl cupcakes for the girls and Octonauts cupcakes for the boys (her son loves Ocotonauts).

Since the theme are not related so I divided the cupcakes project into 2 posts.

The first one is the girly girl cupcakes. The brief is to make girly cupcakes with sugar and spice and everything nice. I was so busy with my Octonauts cupcakes since it required more attention so I briefed BakerzMum and here's what she came out with.

All credit goes to BakerzMum for these wonderful creations. I think the cupcakes turned our beautiful and according to my friend the girls love them.

I have several posts coming as I'm behind with my blog. Will update you shortly. Thanks for looking.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, a new update, been long Bakerzdad, not so sure of what to comment with previous " exciting cake"
    Well done BakerzMum :):):)
