
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Minnie Hat Cake

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I update you with my projects. This cake was done back in December but I was too busy with my holiday planning and cake orders leading up to the new year that I didn't get a chance to update my blog.

My family was fortunate enough to have a nearly 2 weeks holiday in Hong Kong and Singapore. We stayed 2 nights at Hong Kong Disney Resort so this cake is quite appropriate to mention how we enjoyed our stay in Disney Resort and Disneyland Hong Kong.

From friends recommendation we booked for breakfast and dinner with Disney character and we got a chance to took a picture with no one but Minnie Mouse herself. Look how my little girl is quite stunned and starstruck she can't strike a pose hehehehe.

Ok, back to the cake. This cake is a last minute order, an old family friend back from my elementary years contacted me and would like to order a Minnie Mouse cake. With time constrain and taking into account the birthday girl is turning 33 not 3 so I decided to have more mature approach to the theme.

I decided to do Minnie Mouse hat cake with her frilly skirt, this is the first time I get to use my frill cutter, love it. The hat is made of Rice Krispie treat covered with fondant, I did a pink version of Minnie so it doesn't look exactly like my previous cake.

At the end I think it looks OK for a rush job and I love how I get to experiment with my frill cutter.

Thanks for checking my blog, I will update you with my next projects. And guess what Santa brought me this Christmas? It's a tripod for my camera so I can start doing tutorial, so watch this space I promise to do lot of them.


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