
Monday 30 December 2013

Ruffle Rose Cake

This cake is for my mum, I've been doing cakes for 2 years and this is the first time I got a chance to do a cake for her. She happened to visit Australia for my little brother's graduation from Uni. She loves shoes and handbags and first thing came to mind is to do a cake related to shoes and handbags. But after second thought I decided to make something feminine and elegant for her.

This ruffle rose design has been around for quite sometime and I really wanted to do this design so I decided to do it for my mum. It's not as simple as it looks and I did found difficulties at times but at the end I managed to pull something quite decent. It is time consuming and took a lot of effort to do.

For the topper I decided to do my favorite peony, this time in white and open wide as the center of attention. For the top tier I used my new airbrush set (a Christmas gift from my wife) to give it pearly sheen. The pearls was last minute addition as I thought the tier looked too bare without anything.

It was 4 faced ruffle roses all around the cake, took me approximately 3 hours to finish this small tier. The bottom tier was 6 inch and top tier was 5 inch yet it took me forever to finish the ruffle.

My beautiful mum with her birthday cake, I had so much fun doing this cake and her reaction was priceless.

This is my last entry for 2013, it's been a wonderful year. I had amazing opportunities to learn and try new techniques and the highlight of this year cake-wise was being featured in Cake Central magazine.

I want to say thank you to all my supporters with your positive comments on Facebook and word-of-mouth recommendations. I'm a hobby baker that hopes to turn this cake decorating as a sound business venture. Hopefully year 2014 will be my year to realize the dream, thanks again and have a safe holiday and Happy New Year 2014.


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