


My name is Aditya and never in my wildest imagination that I will engage with cake baking and decorating. Actually I have a long line of baking legacy, my late grandmother literally raised her 10 kids on her own by teaching people to bake and decorate cakes, she died when I was 9-10 years old, bless her soul. My uncle once had a regular cooking show on TVRI (Television of Republic Indonesia), however I had never been exposed with this side of my family inheritance until recently by accident.

It all started by my daughter's first birthday and I wanted to do something to brighten up the party and I decided to do cookie-on-a-stick. Long story short from then on I was intrigue by the sugar art and did some experiment with guidance from google search and you tube. Before I know it I was on my way to become Bakerz Dad.

Now Bakerz Dad is a team of me and my wife Irene a.ka. Bakerz Mum, she does all the baking and I'm in charge on planning and decorating. I'm so blessed to have such supportive wife on my new hobby and friends who aren't afraid to throw me challenge after challenge so I can try and learn new technique to make me grow as a cake decorator.

I hope you enjoy my blog and you can like my facebook page Bakerz Dad

Warm Regards,

Bakerz Dad


  1. How cool!!!!
    Dit... amazing... your creations are wonderful!!! Congratulation in finding your hidden talent!God is good!

  2. Hi just found your blog looking for monster cakes.
    My hobby is also cake decorating. My son turns 2 next week and since I never got around to making him a special cake last year, I'll be making sure he gets one this year. And I've been dying to do a monster theme - your cake is MAGIC!! Love love love it - and think ill be doing something just like it for my son.
    ...oh and I wish I had someone to bake the cakes for me too. Haha my LEAST favourite part of cake decorating!!!
    All the best

    1. Hi Tammy,

      Thanks for checking on my blog, monster cake was one of my favorite too it turned out so well and I'm so pleased with it. Good luck with your son's cake, I'm sure it will be awesome. I'm pretty lucky my wife took the role of baker and part time dish washer, you know how messy it can be when you're doing cake from start to finish. Cheers.
