
Friday 23 December 2011

Snow Globe Christmas Cake

It's almost Christmas and the Christmas spirit lingers in the air. I haven't got many jobs in the past 2 weeks so I decided to create a project for myself. At first I was thinking of baking a cake for my office's Christmas Party it's only 5 of us in the office so I only need to bake small cake.

But unfortunately, the place where we booked our Christmas Party has set menu which including dessert so I decided to cancel the cake. Still insisting of doing a cake for my office, I created a Christmas Tea Party so I got to bake this cake.

I saw this snow globe cake while browsing on and the idea struck me, it's simple but looks really unique and nice. So I took my fishbowl (serve as flower pot on my coffe table) and turn it into Christmas snow globe.

Snow Globe Christmas Cake

I also test drive my new alphabet cutter that I got from local decorating shop, it's not too bad but take times to get use to it. I also testing marble cake recipe that I got from decorating book I bought, the cake is quite nice but can be a little bit more moist. Will make sure to taste test it again because I will need to make marble cakes soon for my customer.

Took this picture literally minutes after I finished the cake

I used special sugar powder called 'Snow' for the snow

The Christmas tree and the snow man is so much fun to make. I did a research how to make fondant Christmas tree and surprise on how simple to make such delicate tree. Gotta love you tube and fabulous people who's not afraid to share their trade secret.

The last look before the cake went to the Christmas Tea Party

Thank you all for checking, at the moment I'm still preparing a special Christmas Cake for my Christmas Party tomorrow. I will post some pictures once the Christmas Cake ready.

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