
Friday 2 December 2011

Tapioca Cookies : Sagu Keju

Hi Everyone,

This cookies brought me back to memory of early days when we started became parents. While my mum came to visit us following the born of our baby girl, she brought along jars of tapioca cookies or sagu keju. The crunchiness and delicate texture got me and my wife smitten and we finished the jars almost in an instant. Since then we got supplies every now and then. Actually my aunt made it for us, bless her and her kindness. Never in my wildest dream I thought that one day I will re-make this special cookies, little did I know.

Tapioca Cookies : Sagu Keju
I managed to get the recipe from my aunt trough my mum and here goes. First I have to find sago flour which is quite hard to find in Australia, but after I did a little research on Google I found out that I can us tapioca flour instead. First I have to cook/roast the tapioca on frying pan sans oil (in Indo we call it sangrai) and managed burnt some of the flour but bakerz mum came for a rescued hehehe.

Bakerz Mum came for rescue on pipping the cookies
To make it more authentic, we pipped the dough to make it nice, it's not an easy task though because we have to change pipping back several time. The dough was to tough and ripping the bag after a few cookies pipped.

Not so perfect pipped cookies
My first batch of the cookie went into the oven with some portion of tapioca flour missing because I was hesitate to use all as some of them got burnt at the bottom of the frying pan. But went the first batch came out of the oven it didn't hold its form. So bakerz mum and me decided to incorporate all of the tapioca flour including the burnt one. So we got denser consistency of the dough and it hold the shape better.

first batch came out melted, the cookies didn't hold the form
Pipping the cookies was a hard job because the dough keep on ripping the pipping bag and with the 'new' denser dough the work is even harder. So we decided to use cookie cutters instead, and we have nice looking tapioca cookies.

5 pipping bags later, I decided to use the cookie cutter instead

it's not as crunchy as the pipped one, but at least the taste is right.
At the end all I can say that the first batch was too chewy and not crunchy enough. The second batch onward was nice, it's firm and crunchy especially the few that I managed to pipped. The rest that's done with cookie cutter was nice too but missing the crunchiness that can only obtained by pipping it to make it more delicate. But over all I'm quite happy with the taste, the texture can be better and this is definitely not the last time I will try this recipe.

Tapioca cookies in my kitchen

close up view of the cookies

close up view

still trying to style my photos

 Thanks for checking out my blog, I will update you with my next project.

1 comment:

  1. Hai, hai Aditya..
    Wow, craving for sagu keju now I am :D

