
Friday 27 December 2013

Dinosaur Party for Alana

My Baby was turning 3 and to repeat the success of Red Ridding Hood party I planned the party ahead against my wife's dismay. She always opted to have private celebration. But in bakerzdad's world na little girl is getting the greatest party ever (in my own term of course).

After a little convincing and the fact that little Alana was starting to sing 'Happy Birthday' by her own at the end my beautiful wife obliged to have a party for Alana.

For the theme we decided to go with Dinosaur as Alana in the stage where she's 'Roarrrring' all the time and she loved the dinosaur play set we got her for Christmas. At first we were thinking something more girly but it's just not her.

For the cake I made 3 dinosaurs to symbolized Alana turning 3 and everything looks nice in a set of 3. 1 dinosaur is sitting on the birthday cake and 2 accompanied sitting on small dummy cakes.

I designed the invites and backdrop to reflect dinosaur theme and I chose to go with yellow and green with a hint of pink to retaliate with girly dinosaur theme.

For the dessert table I made macaroons, pudding, cakepops and chocolate bars accompanied with apple juices and sugar cookies.

I found a pack of foam dinosaur cut-out in KMart and decided to use it on the cookies a quick and lazy fix for the cookies.

Noodle boxes serving as take away containers for dessert table. it looks beautiful, but since I serve lunch for my guests it took some encouraging for them to take same lollies home.

I had my mum made dinosaur rag dolls for the little guests to take home, this is definitely labor of love as she's coming to Melbourne from Indonesia for a holiday and she's been on this project for 2 months. Love how everyone appreciate her effort and these dinosaurs were adopted by the little guests and the they get to name them.

Proud Opa and Oma who made the dinosaur rag dolls and bring it all the way from Indonesia.

When I said I want to have the greatest party for Alana I mean it as I prepared some entertainment for the little guests. I made dinosaur eggs with mixture of coffee, sands, flour and baking soda. I placed plastic dinosaurs inside the egg for the little ones to hatch. I got the eggs scattered around the playgorund and have them on scavenge mission to find the eggs.

And inside the eggs are small plastic toys for them to keep.

The finale of the party is PINATA, never done this one before but it seems like a great idea. I found many people on the internet suggested to do trap door pinata which is easier and not introducing too much violent to the little ones. But I couldn't find one in dinosaur shape, so I have to go with traditional bashing the pinata until it's cut open.

After a few turn of the little ones bashing the pinata without success I took matter in my own hand and bashed the pinata to dead. I literally wreck the broom stick I used to bash the pinata, that to show how resilient the pinata was.

Thanks for visiting my blog, I will update you with my next project.


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